Daily Updated Statistics
Access daily-updated information about your downloads, demographics, referers, etc.
Core CDN Reporting Module
* exclusive feature for Plus and Premium CDN plans
Monitor bandwidth, transfer rates, cache:hit ratio, and more. Segment reports by platform or in aggregate. See your file delivery, streaming, hits, by geography, updated hourly.
Advanced Content Analytics
* exclusive feature for Plus and Premium CDN plans
Enjoy deep views into audience information (referrer, host data, location, loyalty, etc) - all overlaid onto an interactive global map.
Edge Performance Analytics
* optional feature for Plus and Premium CDN plans
Get an up-close look at how your site is performing at the edge. Detailed information for each data center on server performance, cache configuration, protocols, compression, security, errors, response codes, and more.
Real-Time Statistics
* optional feature for Plus and Premium CDN plans
Dozens of up-to-the-minute graphs and reports of your bandwidth usage, object delivery, streaming connections, and purge and storage conditions. Monitor live events in real time.
Access to Raws Logs
You can download the raw logs for offline processing with your log analyzer software.
Download Speed Test
For Basic account
Download Speed Test
For Plus and Premium CDN accounts
Silverlight Streaming
Smooth streaming using Silverlight player
Flash Streaming
Watch Flash video streaming via RTMP

feature upload
feature manage
feature deliver